The Sutton Curling Club wishes you a warm welcome to its site. You will find all the information you need as well as our contact details. Our club, with its warm atmosphere, is open to everyone. Come and curl with us, either as a member or by renting our premises. Please explore the rest of our site to find out more about curling and how to become a member.

Annual garage sale 

Annual garage sale 

The curling season is coming to an end so it is time for us to think about our annual garage sale which this year will be held on Saturday May 18th. The sale is a very good source of revenue for the Club, it generates a good 2,000$ every year.
Its success depends strongly on the participation of all of you members.  So here is how you can participate:

  1. By bringing things to sell, for example: tools, plants, books, kitchen ware, electronics, sport gears, jewelry, toys, small pieces of furniture (no fridges or stoves), etc.
  2. We also have a bake table.  So bakers your contributions are most welcome.  The person responsible for the table will be contacting you.
  3. By offering your services the day of the sale, Saturday the 18th of May from 8am to 5:00pm.  We need a good 15 people for this.  On Friday pm we also need people to put the things on the tables and price the items, for this we need roughly 10 people.  Those that can only be there part of the time are of course also welcome.
  4. We are always looking for men to move heavy stuff and to manage the sport and tool section outside.

Awaiting your emails to inform me of your availability!  Let’s make it a fun day!

Louise Hawley
[email protected]

Report from the Magog Women's Tournament:

Sylvie Martel, Steffani Wilson, Cindy Allnutt and Nicki Gosselin represented Sutton at the Magog Women's Tournament February 28 to March 2. They won their first game and were eliminated in the second, but still have a great event and were well received. Many asked if we would have a one day bonspiel for women next year. Something to start planning!


Welcome to the Sutton Curling Club

League play starts in the week of October 23rd for the fall season and January 8th for the winter season. We aso hold a series of events and tournaments during the year. Check out our Calendar on this website or contact us at [email protected] for more information. 


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